Privacy Policy 

We are dedicated to maintaining your personally identifiable information’s accuracy, confidentiality, and security (“Personal Information”). As part of this commitment, our privacy statement controls how we collect, use, and disclose personal information. Our privacy policies are based on the principles outlined in the Privacy Protection and Electronic Documents Act of Canada and the Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information of the Canadian Standards Association.

We respect your right to privacy and only gather personal data to fulfil the following purposes:

Why Do We Gather Information About You?

We gather, use, and share Personal Information to give you the goods or services you’ve requested and make offers of new goods and services we think you might find interesting. Prior to collection, the reasons why we will gather personal data will be disclosed. When your name, address, and payment information are sought as part of the order process, the goals for collecting the information are obvious, and consent is implicit.

Why Do We Need Your Permission?

Knowledge and consent are necessary for the gathering, use, or disclosure of Personal Information unless otherwise required or permitted by law. Whether or not to give us your personal information is always up to you. However, we might not be able to offer you our products or services if you decide not to disclose some information. Therefore, unless absolutely necessary, we won’t ask for your permission to gather, use, or disclose information before providing you with a good or service.

Restriction of Your Connection

Only the Personal Information needed for our objectives will be gathered by us. With your consent, we may get Personal Information from you in person, over the phone, or through correspondence with you via mail, fax, or the Internet.

Use, disclosure, and retention Restrictions

Personal information may only be used or shared for the purpose for which it was obtained unless you have given permission for another use or disclosure or as necessary or permitted by law. Personal information will only be kept as long as it’s required to finish the task for which it was gathered or as long as it’s required by law.


The accuracy, completeness, and currentness of personal information will be maintained to the extent necessary to achieve the goals for which it will be used.

Security of Customer Information

Security measures according to the sensitivity level of the information will be used to protect personal information. Additionally, we take every precautionary measure within our power to safeguard your personal data against theft, loss, unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

Client Access

Upon request, you will receive information about the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information, as well as access to it. You can review your personal information to make sure it is accurate and full and, if necessary, request that it be changed. But in certain legal situations, we won’t divulge sensitive information to you. For instance, if other people are referenced or if there are legal, security, or proprietary commercial restrictions, we might be unable to divulge information about you.